Пришло время обновить свои подписки в Instagram новыми удивительными и креативными людьми. Мы собрали для вас список из 25 творческих человек, среди которых не только блогеры и инфлюенсеры, но и дизайнеры, фотографы, модели, художники.

Современные темнокожие блогеры оказывают большое влияние и делятся своим видением мира через искусство и стиль. И да, возможно, именно этого не хватало вашей ленте.

Temiloluwa Otedola

Ebonee Davis

Chrissy Rutherford

Frédérique Harre

Sami Miró

Precious Lee

Janelle Marie Lloyd


Tamu McPherson

Gabrielle Gregg

Leomie Anderson

Kristen Noel Crawley

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Публикация от Kristen Noel Crawley 🧿 (@kristennoelcrawley)


Micaéla Verrelien

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Don’t be down on yourself when you realize that you’re a bit frustrated at home during quarantine. Trust me it’s getting to that point where we all are feeling it 😩😓 Just keep in mind that we are all at home and in this together 🙏🏿To get by, I’ve been trying to focus on the small win’s! 💪🏿 My small win is getting some air outside and going for a walk or simply sitting outside. These past few days in nyc has been really sunny ☀️ which is a win💪🏿 I grab some sun and a drink 🥃and just chill 😏 trust me, grabbing some sun outside really changes the mood internally and externally. My skin is glowing, don’t believe me peep the next slide 🥰 and internally I just start to feel happier 🤗 It’s all about the little win’s, it drives hope and hope is always a great thing to have 💛 Cheers to staying hopeful. — LOVE MICA 💛 • • • SIDE NOTE: I’m curious 🤔What have you guys been up to during quarantine that helps give you hope? #hmxme #AthomeWithHm

Публикация от Micaéla Verrelien 🇭🇹 (@micaelaverrelien)

Amy Sall

Mariama Diallo

Jan-Michael Quammie

Salem Mitchell

Grace Mahary

Madisin Rian

Mélodie Monrose

TK Wonder и Cipriana Quann

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My twin sis @ciprianaquann and I have been tagged quite a bit on a hair post and in my notifications I’ve seen comments such as “Why are you hating on their hair.” or “That is their hair.” Did I have curiosity in clicking on those comments to read the hateful comments this person (appreciate the defense) is addressing? No. Years ago I would have clicked on it and clapped back trying to prove people wrong but now I decided I do not deserve to waste my time or energy on negative comments about my hair. I do not deserve to care about thoughts from those who are so insecure with themselves that they project vitriol towards others to make themselves feel good. I do not deserve to be concerned about ignorant, asinine and backward views on natural black hair and what it can or cannot do. I do not deserve to read comments that say the opposite about what is true about my hair. I do not deserve to listen to women that tear other women down. Somebody tell these women it is #WomensHistoryMonth and hold off on their hating for at least a month geez. 🤦🏾‍♀️😂 Albeit I am no longer concerned I do still talk about the hate I receive because I know there are many girls and women that deal with the same hate and haven’t yet reached a place where they do not allow that vitriol to affect their confidence. Many times the hate is from other black people which is incredibly sad and unfortunate that they do not see the beauty in 4C or believe stereotypical and backward views regarding natural hair. I don’t have time to entertain that nonsense. I do have time to uplift young black girls and women that share my hair texture and to tell them they do not deserve to listen to anything other than their hair is beautiful. #QuannSisters 📷: @terrygates

Публикация от Tk Wonder (@tk_wonder)

Keke Palmer

Imaan Hammam

Kimberly Drew

Автор. Harper’s BAZAAR Kazakhstan. Источник заглавного фото. Instagram @waityouneedthis
